Surgical and non-surgical aesthetics of the female area

1. What do we mean by the term Surgical and non-surgical aesthetics of the female area?

There are a large number of aesthetic medical procedures available to improve the appearance of the genital area for women.

Whether it is the external genital area, labia majora and minora or the vaginal area.

Sometimes these are procedures that aim to correct anatomical or aesthetic deformities inside the vagina and outside in the vaginal area.

  1. Is it a purely aesthetic issue for women?

Not only , such deformities of any origin can cause problems in urination and sexual intercourse as well as cause discomfort and pain in everyday life, such as when exercising, using a bicycle, or even disturbing a woman when she wears her pants.

  1. Which women are targeted by these procedures (surgical and non-surgical)?

They are aimed at women who have been born with a deformity in the area such as large size of the labia minora, or small growth of the labia majora.

Also in women who due to age have atrophy of the area, loosening of the lips, etc. Time intervenes in this area of the body as well as anywhere else.

Even due to pregnancies and childbirth, the area may have become loose or atrophied

Also women who have entered menopause or women who are taking hormonal treatment for breast cancer and experience dryness in the foreskin and pain during sexual intercourse, there are treatments such as mesotherapy that will help them overcome the problem.

And of course women who want to change the image of the area because something is bothering them and they would like to feel better about their body image.

Body image plays a very important role in sexual satisfaction but as body parts that are sexually invested, such as breasts, genital area etc. Women who feel that they have low sexual pleasure due to the fact that they are not satisfied with the image of these areas will definitely benefit from these procedures.

  1. What are these surgical and non-surgical interventions?

Non-surgical is the Rejuvenation (Renewal of cells) of the vaginal area and external genital area.

Remodeling of the labia majora with hyaluronic and fat injections, reduction of vaginal dryness using PRP mesotherapy to treat difficulty due to dryness in sexual intercourse.

The most common surgical treatments are the reduction of the labia minora, changing the shape of the labia minora and labia majora, correcting the looseness of the area.

  1. Who is the right doctor to perform these procedures and interventions?

In order to be able to perform these procedures, one must be a specialist in the field. Plastic surgeon or gynecologist who has received special training and has received certification that can perform such procedures and procedures.

I personally hold a diploma of the European Society of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery on this subject and I have received specific specialization abroad.

  1. Do you need surgery to perform these procedures and general anaesthesia? Will the woman have to be sedated?

Cell renewal , hyaluronic and fat injections can be done at the clinic level without anesthesia only with the use of creams to help reduce the sensitivity of the area.

The surgical procedures need the space of the operating room and depending on this, some are performed under general anesthesia and some can be performed with the use of local anesthetic only.

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