Small burned surface: How to treat burns that occur at home?

The largest number of minor burns occur inside the house and are caused by burns from hot liquids, oil, coffee, tea, the glass of the kitchen stove, the iron of the ironing board.

The severity of a burn is considered by the size, depth and size of the surface it occupies.

If the burn is pink , it is superficial, which means that it can be treated at home if the area is small. If it is dry, waxy in colour, grey or even white or shows bubbles, it is deeper and it is better to consult a doctor.

So if a minor burn occurs at home we should immediately take the first steps to treat it and also to reduce the pain.

What do we do and put?

Immediately cold water. Put the burned member under the cold water and let it run for a few minutes. The water both relieves the pain and reduces the damage. Avoid putting ice on it because it can make the situation worse.

We do not put yogurt, potato, oil, tomato, ash.

We can apply a moisturizer and it is better to keep it closed with a gauze and a bandage.

If our burn is small but has bubbles or shows the color we mentioned above, white or waxy, it is better to contact the doctor because it is probably a deeper burn and will need special treatment.

Small superficial burns usually do not need further treatment beyond good hydration but need attention. If 3-4 days pass and they do not subside, it is advisable to seek medical advice.

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