Inequality, a condition that troubles many girls and young women

What is inequality?

Disproportion is a difference in the size, shape or position of the two breasts.

It can occur either congenitally, being predisposed at birth in a woman’s genetic material, or it can be acquired after removal of a tumour in one breast.

Of course, in most women there is a slight difference in size or shape between the two breasts, but this is negligible and there are no significant differences. But when there is a very obvious difference then we talk about an imbalance.

How to correct the disparity?

It is surgically corrected and the aim of the operation is to bring the breasts to the same size and shape.

Usually a silicone insert is needed to be placed in the smaller breast and depending on this, silicone will be placed in the other breast as well, or the other breast will be surgically reduced in size. We often combine reduction and lifting techniques with silicone placement techniques to achieve similarity and symmetry in the two breasts.

At what age is correction of asymmetry done?

We usually wait for the completion of the girl’s physical development after the age of 18.

Do I need inpatient hospitalization for this procedure?

Usually one night is enough and the next day the woman goes home.

When can you start exercising?

Gymnastics starts after six weeks but exercises involving jumping and dancing after three months.

After the operation you need to wear a special bra for six weeks.

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