Breast reduction

Breast reduction is performed on women who have large and therefore very often sagging breasts. The problems with which these women come to the plastic surgeon are, back and neck pain, skin irritation up to kyphosis , and something very common the marks on the shoulders from the bra straps.

The aim of the operation is to remove gland, fat and skin, so that the breast can be brought to a normal size that is in line with the woman’s body and characteristics and at the same time be erected in its correct position. In this operation, the nipple is moved at the same time. Sometimes it is also necessary to reduce the diameter of the nipple in women with large nipples.

When is this procedure done?

After the development of the girl, that is, after puberty. It is medically correct to intervene in a breast when it has already completed its development in order to avoid any functional or anatomical problems.

The woman after surgery will have a tube in each breast which is usually removed 24-48 hours after surgery.

She will have to wear a special bra for 6 weeks.

She will also be able to exercise after 6 weeks with lower body exercises , as well as walking and cycling. She will be free to exercise after three months

One question we get asked very often is whether she will be able to breastfeed if she gets pregnant. This is something that no one can answer, just as no one can say with certainty that a woman who has not had surgery will be able to breastfeed.

Breast reduction is a procedure that helps the young woman with large and sagging breasts to feel confident and the older woman to regain the body image she had at a younger age.

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