Can I lose weight with liposuction?

A question we come across very often. I have been struggling for years with dieting, putting on weight , and I have diffuse fat evenly or not all over my body. Can I lose weight with liposuction?

Liposuction is a method that removes fat from our body which is localized e.g. in the thighs (the known buns), knees, buttocks, abdomen. While in theory fat could be removed from anywhere, the ultimate indicator of liposuction is localized fat. That is, what is located in a specific area.

In this case we will get the best and desired result.

It is a procedure that is performed with both local and general anesthesia depending on the area where the fat is located and the area where we want to operate. The fat is removed with a special device and the result is the sculpting of the body in the specific area.

After the operation we will have to wear special corsets or belts again depending on the area for at least 6 weeks.

As a procedure, it leaves small bruises in the areas where liposuction was performed, which are usually absorbed around three weeks.

The person can return to work very soon in about 2 days.

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